Check product updates.
File: admin/bsf-core/auto-update/updater.php
function bsf_check_product_update() { $is_update = true; $registered = array(); // This list will be deprecated in favor of $product_list. $product_list = array(); $all_products = brainstorm_get_all_products( false, false, true ); $brainstrom_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_products', array() ); $brainstrom_bundled_products = get_option( 'brainstrom_bundled_products', array() ); foreach ( $all_products as $key => $product ) { if ( ! isset( $product['id'] ) ) { continue; } $constant = strtoupper( str_replace( '-', '_', $product['id'] ) ); $constant = 'BSF_' . $constant . '_CHECK_UPDATES'; if ( defined( $constant ) && ( 'false' === constant( $constant ) || false === constant( $constant ) ) ) { continue; } $registered[] = $product['id']; $product_list[ $product['id'] ] = array( 'id' => $product['id'], 'installed_version' => $product['version'], ); // Add bundled products to the list. if ( isset( $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $product['id'] ] ) ) { $bundled_products = $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $product['id'] ]; $bundled_product_data = array(); foreach ( $bundled_products as $bundled_product ) { $bundled_product_data[ $bundled_product->id ] = array( 'id' => $bundled_product->id, 'installed_version' => $bundled_product->version, ); } $product_list[ $product['id'] ]['bundled_products'] = $bundled_product_data; } } $remote_versions = bsf_get_remote_version( $product_list, $registered ); $bsf_product_plugins = isset( $brainstrom_products['plugins'] ) ? $brainstrom_products['plugins'] : array(); $bsf_product_themes = isset( $brainstrom_products['themes'] ) ? $brainstrom_products['themes'] : array(); if ( false !== $remote_versions ) { if ( ! empty( $remote_versions ) ) { $is_bundled_update = false; foreach ( $remote_versions as $rkey => $remote_data ) { $rid = ( isset( $remote_data->id ) ) ? (string) $remote_data->id : ''; $remote_version = ( isset( $remote_data->remote_version ) ) ? $remote_data->remote_version : ''; $in_house = ( isset( $remote_data->in_house ) ) ? $remote_data->in_house : ''; $on_market = ( isset( $remote_data->on_market ) ) ? $remote_data->on_market : ''; $is_product_free = ( isset( $remote_data->is_product_free ) ) ? $remote_data->is_product_free : ''; $short_name = ( isset( $remote_data->short_name ) ) ? $remote_data->short_name : ''; $changelog_url = ( isset( $remote_data->changelog_url ) ) ? $remote_data->changelog_url : ''; $purchase_url = ( isset( $remote_data->purchase_url ) ) ? $remote_data->purchase_url : ''; $version_beta = ( isset( $remote_data->version_beta ) ) ? $remote_data->version_beta : ''; $download_url = ( isset( $remote_data->download_url ) ) ? $remote_data->download_url : ''; $download_url_beta = ( isset( $remote_data->download_url_beta ) ) ? $remote_data->download_url_beta : ''; $tested_upto = ( isset( $remote_data->tested ) ) ? $remote_data->tested : ''; foreach ( $bsf_product_plugins as $key => $plugin ) { if ( ! isset( $plugin['id'] ) ) { continue; } $pid = (string) $plugin['id']; if ( $pid === $rid ) { $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['remote'] = $remote_version; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['in_house'] = $in_house; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['on_market'] = $on_market; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['is_product_free'] = $is_product_free; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['short_name'] = $short_name; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['changelog_url'] = $changelog_url; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['purchase_url'] = $purchase_url; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['version_beta'] = $version_beta; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['download_url_beta'] = $download_url_beta; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['download_url'] = $download_url; $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['tested'] = $tested_upto; // Deregister status for plugin. if ( isset( $remote_data->status ) && 0 === $remote_data->status ) { $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['status'] = 'not-registered'; } else { $brainstrom_products['plugins'][ $key ]['status'] = 'registered'; } $is_update = true; } } foreach ( $bsf_product_themes as $key => $theme ) { if ( ! isset( $theme['id'] ) ) { continue; } $pid = $theme['id']; if ( $pid === $rid ) { $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['remote'] = $remote_version; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['in_house'] = $in_house; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['on_market'] = $on_market; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['is_product_free'] = $is_product_free; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['short_name'] = $short_name; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['changelog_url'] = $changelog_url; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['purchase_url'] = $purchase_url; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['version_beta'] = $version_beta; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['download_url'] = $download_url; $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['download_url_beta'] = $download_url_beta; $is_update = true; // Deregister status for theme. if ( isset( $remote_data->status ) && 0 === $remote_data->status ) { $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['status'] = 'not-registered'; } else { $brainstrom_products['themes'][ $key ]['status'] = 'registered'; } } } if ( isset( $remote_data->bundled_products ) && ! empty( $remote_data->bundled_products ) ) { if ( ! empty( $brainstrom_bundled_products ) && is_array( $brainstrom_bundled_products ) ) { foreach ( $brainstrom_bundled_products as $bkeys => $bps ) { foreach ( $bps as $bkey => $bp ) { if ( ! isset( $bp->id ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $remote_data->bundled_products as $rbp ) { if ( ! isset( $rbp->id ) ) { continue; } if ( $rbp->id === $bp->id ) { $bprd = $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ]; $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->remote = $rbp->remote_version; $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->parent = $rbp->parent; $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->short_name = $rbp->short_name; $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->changelog_url = $rbp->changelog_url; if ( isset( $rbp->download_url ) ) { $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->download_url = $rbp->download_url; } if ( isset( $rbp->download_url_beta ) ) { $brainstrom_bundled_products[ $bkeys ][ $bkey ]->download_url_beta = $rbp->download_url_beta; } $is_bundled_update = true; } } } } } } } if ( $is_bundled_update ) { update_option( 'brainstrom_bundled_products', $brainstrom_bundled_products ); } } } if ( $is_update ) { update_option( 'brainstrom_products', $brainstrom_products ); } }
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