
Echo kses code based on SVG type.



(array) Return the array for allowed SVG protocols.


File: classes/class-astra-addon-kses.php

	public static function astra_addon_svg_kses_protocols() {
		return array(
			'a'        => array(
				'class'            => array(),
				'href'             => array(),
				'rel'              => array(),
				'data-quantity'    => array(),
				'data-product_id'  => array(),
				'data-product_sku' => array(),
				'aria-label'       => array(),
				'rev'              => true,
				'name'             => true,
				'target'           => true,
				'download'         => array(
					'valueless' => 'y',
				'aria-describedby' => true,
				'aria-details'     => true,
				'aria-label'       => true,
				'aria-labelledby'  => true,
				'aria-hidden'      => true,
				'class'            => true,
				'data-*'           => true,
				'dir'              => true,
				'id'               => true,
				'lang'             => true,
				'style'            => true,
				'title'            => true,
				'role'             => true,
				'xml:lang'         => true,
			'i'        => array(
				'aria-describedby' => true,
				'aria-details'     => true,
				'aria-label'       => true,
				'aria-labelledby'  => true,
				'aria-hidden'      => true,
				'class'            => true,
				'data-*'           => true,
				'dir'              => true,
				'id'               => true,
				'lang'             => true,
				'style'            => true,
				'title'            => true,
				'role'             => true,
				'xml:lang'         => true,
			'span'     => array(
				'data-product_id'  => array(),
				'align'            => true,
				'aria-describedby' => true,
				'aria-details'     => true,
				'aria-label'       => true,
				'aria-labelledby'  => true,
				'aria-hidden'      => true,
				'class'            => true,
				'data-*'           => true,
				'dir'              => true,
				'id'               => true,
				'lang'             => true,
				'style'            => true,
				'title'            => true,
				'role'             => true,
				'xml:lang'         => true,
			'svg'      => array(
				'xmlns:xlink'       => array(),
				'version'           => array(),
				'x'                 => array(),
				'y'                 => array(),
				'enable-background' => array(),
				'xml:space'         => array(),
				'class'             => array(),
				'data-*'            => true,
				'aria-hidden'       => array(),
				'aria-labelledby'   => array(),
				'role'              => array(),
				'xmlns'             => array(),
				'width'             => array(),
				'fill'              => array(),
				'height'            => array(),
				'viewbox'           => array(),
			'g'        => array(
				'fill'         => array(),
				'stroke-width' => array(),
				'transform'    => array(),
				'stroke'       => array(),
				'id'           => array(),
				'clip-path'    => array(),
			'use'      => array(
				'xlink:href'   => array(),
				'clip-path'    => array(),
				'stroke-width' => array(),
				'id'           => array(),
				'stroke'       => array(),
				'fill'         => array(),
				'transform'    => array(),
			'polyline' => array(
				'fill'      => array(),
				'points'    => array(),
				'transform' => array(),
				'id'        => array(),
			'clippath' => array( 'id' => array() ),
			'title'    => array( 'title' => array() ),
			'path'     => array(
				'd'            => array(),
				'fill'         => array(),
				'id'           => array(),
				'clip-path'    => array(),
				'stroke'       => array(),
				'transform'    => array(),
				'stroke-width' => array(),
			'circle'   => array(
				'cx'        => array(),
				'cy'        => array(),
				'r'         => array(),
				'fill'      => array(),
				'fill'      => array(),
				'style'     => array(),
				'transform' => array(),
			'rect'     => array(
				'y'      => array(),
				'x'      => array(),
				'r'      => array(),
				'style'  => array(),
				'id'     => array(),
				'fill'   => array(),
				'width'  => array(),
				'height' => array(),
			'polygon'  => array(
				'style'     => array(),
				'points'    => array(),
				'fill'      => array(),
				'transform' => array(),


Version Description
4.1.1 Introduced.

User Contributed Notes

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