BSF_License_Manager::license_activation_form( array $args )
For Popup License form check popup_license_form
is true
- $args
(array) (Required) Arguments.
File: admin/bsf-core/class-bsf-license-manager.php
public function license_activation_form( $args ) { $html = ''; $product_id = ( isset( $args['product_id'] ) && ! is_null( $args['product_id'] ) ) ? $args['product_id'] : ''; // bail out if product id is missing. if ( empty( $product_id ) ) { esc_html_e( 'Product id is missing.', 'bsf' ); return; } $popup_license_form = ( isset( $args['popup_license_form'] ) ) ? $args['popup_license_form'] : false; $form_action = ( isset( $args['form_action'] ) && ! is_null( $args['form_action'] ) ) ? $args['form_action'] : ''; $form_class = ( isset( $args['form_class'] ) && ! is_null( $args['form_class'] ) ) ? $args['form_class'] : "bsf-license-form-{$product_id}"; $submit_button_class = ( isset( $args['submit_button_class'] ) && ! is_null( $args['submit_button_class'] ) ) ? $args['submit_button_class'] : ''; $license_form_heading_class = ( isset( $args['bsf_license_form_heading_class'] ) && ! is_null( $args['bsf_license_form_heading_class'] ) ) ? $args['bsf_license_form_heading_class'] : ''; $license_active_class = ( isset( $args['bsf_license_active_class'] ) && ! is_null( $args['bsf_license_active_class'] ) ) ? $args['bsf_license_active_class'] : ''; $license_not_activate_message = ( isset( $args['bsf_license_not_activate_message'] ) && ! is_null( $args['bsf_license_not_activate_message'] ) ) ? $args['bsf_license_not_activate_message'] : ''; $size = ( isset( $args['size'] ) && ! is_null( $args['size'] ) ) ? $args['size'] : 'regular'; $button_text_activate = ( isset( $args['button_text_activate'] ) && ! is_null( $args['button_text_activate'] ) ) ? $args['button_text_activate'] : __( 'Activate License', 'bsf' ); $button_text_deactivate = ( isset( $args['button_text_deactivate'] ) && ! is_null( $args['button_text_deactivate'] ) ) ? $args['button_text_deactivate'] : __( 'Deactivate License', 'bsf' ); $placeholder = ( isset( $args['placeholder'] ) && ! is_null( $args['placeholder'] ) ) ? $args['placeholder'] : 'Enter your license key..'; $placeholder_name = ( isset( $args['placeholder_name'] ) && ! is_null( $args['placeholder_name'] ) ) ? $args['placeholder_name'] : 'Your Name..'; $placeholder_email = ( isset( $args['placeholder_email'] ) && ! is_null( $args['placeholder_email'] ) ) ? $args['placeholder_email'] : 'Your Email..'; $bsf_license_allow_email = ( isset( $args['bsf_license_allow_email'] ) && ! is_null( $args['bsf_license_allow_email'] ) ) ? $args['bsf_license_allow_email'] : true; $license_form_title = ( isset( $args['license_form_title'] ) && ! is_null( $args['license_form_title'] ) ) ? $args['license_form_title'] : 'Updates & Support Registration - '; $is_active = self::bsf_is_active_license( $product_id ); $license_key = $this->bsf_get_product_info( $product_id, 'purchase_key' ); if ( true === $bsf_license_allow_email || 'true' === $bsf_license_allow_email ) { $form_class .= ' license-form-allow-email '; if ( ! $is_active ) { $button_text_activate = 'Sign Up & Activate'; $submit_button_class .= ' button-primary button-hero '; } } // Forcefully disable the subscribe options for uabb. // This should be disabled from uabb and removed from graupi. if ( 'uabb' === $product_id ) { $bsf_license_allow_email = false; } $purchase_url = $this->bsf_get_product_info( $product_id, 'purchase_url' ); $product_name = apply_filters( "agency_updater_productname_{$product_id}", $this->bsf_get_product_info( $product_id, 'name' ) ); if ( empty( $product_name ) ) { $product_name = apply_filters( "agency_updater_productname_{$product_id}", $this->bsf_get_product_info( $product_id, 'product_name' ) ); } // License activation messages. $current_status = ''; $current_message = ''; if ( isset( $_POST['bsf_license_activation']['success'] ) && isset( $_POST['bsf_license_manager']['product_id'] ) && $product_id === $_POST['bsf_license_manager']['product_id'] ) { // phpcs:ignore:WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $current_status = esc_attr( $_POST['bsf_license_activation']['success'] );// phpcs:ignore:WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing if ( true === $current_status || 'true' === $current_status || '1' === $current_status ) { $current_status = 'bsf-current-license-success bsf-current-license-success-' . $product_id; $is_active = true; } else { $current_status = 'bsf-current-license-error bsf-current-license-error-' . $product_id; $is_active = false; } } if ( isset( $_POST['bsf_license_activation']['message'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore:WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $current_message = wp_kses_post( $_POST['bsf_license_activation']['message'] );// phpcs:ignore:WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing } $license_status = 'Active!'; $license_status_class = 'bsf-license-active-' . $product_id; $html .= '<div class="bsf-license-key-registration">'; // License not active message. $form_heading_status = ''; if ( false === $is_active || 'false' === $is_active ) { $license_status = 'Not Active!'; $license_status_class = 'bsf-license-not-active-' . $product_id; $not_activate = ''; $html .= apply_filters( "bsf_license_not_activate_message_{$product_id}", $not_activate, $license_status_class, $license_not_activate_message ); if ( true === $bsf_license_allow_email || 'true' === $bsf_license_allow_email ) { $popup_license_subtitle = apply_filters( "bsf_license_key_form_inactive_subtitle_{$product_id}", sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', __( 'Click on the button below to activate your license and subscribe to our newsletter.', 'bsf' ) ) ); } else { $popup_license_subtitle = apply_filters( "bsf_license_key_form_inactive_subtitle_{$product_id}", sprintf( '<p>%s</p>', __( 'Enter your purchase key and activate automatic updates.', 'bsf' ) ) ); } } else { $form_class .= " form-submited-{$product_id}"; $popup_license_subtitle = apply_filters( "bsf_license_key_form_active_subtitle_{$product_id}", '' ); } do_action( "bsf_before_license_activation_form_{$product_id}" ); $html .= '<form method="post" class="' . $form_class . '" action="' . $form_action . '">'; $html .= wp_nonce_field( 'bsf_license_activation_deactivation_nonce', 'bsf_graupi_nonce', true, false ); if ( $popup_license_form ) { $form_heading = '<h3 class="' . $license_status_class . ' ' . $license_form_heading_class . '">' . $product_name . '</h3>'; $form_heading .= $popup_license_subtitle; } else { $form_heading = '<h3 class="' . $license_status_class . ' ' . $license_form_heading_class . '">' . $license_form_title . '<span>' . $license_status . '</span></h3>'; } $html .= apply_filters( "bsf_license_form_heading_{$product_id}", $form_heading, $license_status_class, $license_status ); if ( ! empty( $current_status ) && ! empty( $current_message ) ) { $current_message = '<span class="' . $current_status . '">' . $current_message . '</span>'; $html .= apply_filters( "bsf_license_current_message_{$product_id}", $current_message ); } if ( true === $is_active || 'true' === $is_active ) { $licnse_active_message = __( 'Your license is active.', 'bsf' ); $licnse_active_message = apply_filters( 'bsf_license_active_message', $licnse_active_message ); $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '<input type="text" readonly class="' . $license_active_class . ' ' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" name="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" value="' . esc_attr( $licnse_active_message ) . '"/>'; $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '<input type="hidden" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[product_id]" name="bsf_license_manager[product_id]" value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $product_id ) ) . '"/>'; do_action( "bsf_before_license_activation_submit_button_{$product_id}" ); $html .= '<input type="submit" class="button ' . $submit_button_class . '" name="bsf_deactivate_license" value="' . esc_attr( $button_text_deactivate ) . '"/>'; } else { if ( true === $bsf_license_allow_email || 'true' === $bsf_license_allow_email ) { $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '<h4>Your Name</h4>'; $html .= '<input type="text" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[user_name]" name="bsf_license_manager[user_name]" value=""/>'; $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '<h4>Your Email Address</h4>'; $html .= '<input type="email" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[user_email]" name="bsf_license_manager[user_email]" value=""/>'; $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '<h4>Your License Key</h4>'; $html .= '<input type="text" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" name="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" value="" autocomplete="off" required/>'; $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '</span>'; } else { $html .= '<span class="license-form-field">'; $html .= '<input type="text" placeholder="' . esc_attr( $placeholder ) . '" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" name="bsf_license_manager[license_key]" value="" autocomplete="off"/>'; $html .= '</span>'; } $html .= '<input type="hidden" class="' . $size . '-text" id="bsf_license_manager[product_id]" name="bsf_license_manager[product_id]" value="' . esc_attr( stripslashes( $product_id ) ) . '"/>'; do_action( "bsf_before_license_activation_submit_button_{$product_id}" ); $html .= '<input id="bsf-license-privacy-consent" name="bsf_license_manager[privacy_consent]" type="hidden" value="true" />'; $html .= '<input id="bsf-license-terms-conditions-consent" name="bsf_license_manager[terms_conditions_consent]" type="hidden" value="true" />'; $html .= '<div class="submit-button-wrap">'; $html .= '<input type="submit" class="button ' . $submit_button_class . '" name="bsf_activate_license" value="' . esc_attr( $button_text_activate ) . '"/>'; if ( true === $bsf_license_allow_email || 'true' === $bsf_license_allow_email ) { $get_license_message = "<p class='purchase-license'><a target='_blank' href='$purchase_url'>Purchase License »</a></p>"; } else { $get_license_message = "<p>If you don't have a license, you can <a target='_blank' href='$purchase_url'>get it here »</a></p>"; } $html .= apply_filters( "bsf_get_license_message_{$product_id}", $get_license_message, $purchase_url ); $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= '</form>'; do_action( "bsf_after_license_activation_form_{$product_id}" ); $html = apply_filters( 'bsf_inlne_license_envato_after_form', $html, $product_id ); $html .= '</div> <!-- envato-license-registration -->'; if ( isset( $_GET['debug'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore:WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended $html .= get_bsf_systeminfo(); } // Output the license activation/deactivation form. return apply_filters( "bsf_core_license_activation_form_{$product_id}", $html, $args ); }
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