Astra_Global_Typo_Configs::register_configuration( Array $configurations, WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize )

Register Body Typography Customizer Configurations.




(Array) (Required) Astra Customizer Configurations.


(WP_Customize_Manager) (Required) instance of WP_Customize_Manager.


(Array) Astra Customizer Configurations with updated configurations.


File: inc/customizer/configurations/typography/class-astra-global-typo-configs.php

	public function register_configuration( $configurations, $wp_customize ) {

		$_configs = array(

			 * Option: Font Family
				'name'      => 'astra-typography-presets',
				'type'      => 'control',
				'control'   => 'ast-typography-presets',
				'default'   => astra_get_typography_presets(),
				'options'   => array(
					'typo-preset-01' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Open Sans', sans-serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 16,
							'tablet'       => 16,
							'mobile'       => 16,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 54,
							'tablet'       => 45,
							'mobile'       => 32,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 42,
							'tablet'       => 32,
							'mobile'       => 28,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 36,
							'tablet'       => 26,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 25,
							'tablet'       => 22,
							'mobile'       => 20,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 20,
							'tablet'       => 18,
							'mobile'       => 20,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 15,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => 1.7,
						'headings-font-family'  => "'Playfair Display', serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '700',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '700',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.2,
					'typo-preset-02' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Lora', serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 16,
							'tablet'       => 16,
							'mobile'       => 16,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 54,
							'tablet'       => 45,
							'mobile'       => 32,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 42,
							'tablet'       => 32,
							'mobile'       => 28,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 32,
							'tablet'       => 28,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 24,
							'tablet'       => 22,
							'mobile'       => 20,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 20,
							'tablet'       => 18,
							'mobile'       => 17,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 15,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => '',
						'headings-font-family'  => "'Lato', sans-serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '700',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '700',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.2,
					'typo-preset-03' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Roboto', sans-serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 17,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 48,
							'tablet'       => 40,
							'mobile'       => 32,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 38,
							'tablet'       => 32,
							'mobile'       => 25,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 30,
							'tablet'       => 26,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 24,
							'tablet'       => 20,
							'mobile'       => 18,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 20,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 13,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => '',
						'headings-font-family'  => "'Barlow Semi Condensed', sans-serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '600',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '600',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.4,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.2,
					'typo-preset-04' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 17,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 48,
							'tablet'       => 36,
							'mobile'       => 32,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 40,
							'tablet'       => 30,
							'mobile'       => 26,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 32,
							'tablet'       => 25,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 24,
							'tablet'       => 20,
							'mobile'       => 18,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 20,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 13,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => '1.7',
						'headings-font-family'  => "'Montserrat', sans-serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '700',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '700',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.3,
					'typo-preset-05' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Karla', sans-serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 17,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 48,
							'tablet'       => 40,
							'mobile'       => 36,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 38,
							'tablet'       => 32,
							'mobile'       => 28,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 30,
							'tablet'       => 26,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 24,
							'tablet'       => 20,
							'mobile'       => 18,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 21,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 14,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => '',
						'headings-font-family'  => "'Rubik', sans-serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '500',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '500',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.3,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.3,
					'typo-preset-06' => array(
						'body-font-family'      => "'Work Sans', sans-serif",
						'body-font-variant'     => '400',
						'body-font-weight'      => '400',
						'font-size-body'        => array(
							'desktop'      => 16,
							'tablet'       => 16,
							'mobile'       => 16,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h1'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 48,
							'tablet'       => 40,
							'mobile'       => 36,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h2'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 38,
							'tablet'       => 32,
							'mobile'       => 28,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h3'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 30,
							'tablet'       => 26,
							'mobile'       => 22,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h4'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 24,
							'tablet'       => 20,
							'mobile'       => 18,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h5'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 21,
							'tablet'       => 17,
							'mobile'       => 15,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'font-size-h6'          => array(
							'desktop'      => 17,
							'tablet'       => 15,
							'mobile'       => 14,
							'desktop-unit' => 'px',
							'tablet-unit'  => 'px',
							'mobile-unit'  => 'px',
						'body-line-height'      => '',
						'headings-font-family'  => "'DM Serif Display', serif",
						'headings-font-weight'  => '400',
						'headings-line-height'  => '',
						'headings-font-variant' => '400',
						'line-height-h1'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h2'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h3'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h4'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h5'        => 1.2,
						'line-height-h6'        => 1.2,
				'section'   => astra_has_gcp_typo_preset_compatibility() ? 'section-typography' : 'section-body-typo',
				'transport' => 'postMessage',
				'priority'  => 5,
				'title'     => __( 'Presets', 'astra' ),
				'divider'   => array( 'ast_class' => 'ast-bottom-divider' ),


		return array_merge( $configurations, $_configs );


Version Description
1.4.3 Introduced.

User Contributed Notes

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