
Astra LearnDash Compatibility



File: inc/compatibility/learndash/class-astra-learndash.php

	class Astra_LearnDash {

		 * Member Variable
		 * @var object instance
		private static $instance;

		 * Initiator
		public static function get_instance() {
			if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {
				self::$instance = new self();
			return self::$instance;

		 * Constructor
		public function __construct() {

			add_filter( 'astra_theme_assets', array( $this, 'add_styles' ) );
			add_filter( 'astra_dynamic_theme_css', array( $this, 'add_dynamic_styles' ) );

			add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'customize_register' ), 2 );
			add_filter( 'astra_theme_defaults', array( $this, 'theme_defaults' ) );

			// Sidebar Layout.
			add_filter( 'astra_page_layout', array( $this, 'sidebar_layout' ) );
			// Content Layout.
			add_filter( 'astra_get_content_layout', array( $this, 'content_layout' ) );

		 * Enqueue styles
		 * @param  String $dynamic_css          Astra Dynamic CSS.
		 * @param  String $dynamic_css_filtered Astra Dynamic CSS Filters.
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @return String Dynamic CSS.
		public function add_dynamic_styles( $dynamic_css, $dynamic_css_filtered = '' ) {

			$active_ld_theme = '';

			if ( is_callable( 'LearnDash_Theme_Register::get_active_theme_key' ) ) {
				$active_ld_theme = LearnDash_Theme_Register::get_active_theme_key();

			if ( 'ld30' === $active_ld_theme ) {
				return $dynamic_css;

			$dynamic_css .= self::ld_static_css();
			 * - Variable Declaration
			$is_site_rtl  = is_rtl();
			$link_color   = astra_get_option( 'link-color' );
			$theme_color  = astra_get_option( 'theme-color' );
			$text_color   = astra_get_option( 'text-color' );
			$link_h_color = astra_get_option( 'link-h-color' );

			$body_font_family = astra_body_font_family();

			$link_forground_color  = astra_get_foreground_color( $link_color );
			$theme_forground_color = astra_get_foreground_color( $theme_color );
			$btn_color             = astra_get_option( 'button-color' );
			if ( empty( $btn_color ) ) {
				$btn_color = $link_forground_color;

			$btn_h_color = astra_get_option( 'button-h-color' );
			if ( empty( $btn_h_color ) ) {
				$btn_h_color = astra_get_foreground_color( $link_h_color );
			$btn_bg_color   = astra_get_option( 'button-bg-color', '', $theme_color );
			$btn_bg_h_color = astra_get_option( 'button-bg-h-color', '', $link_h_color );

			$btn_border_radius = astra_get_option( 'button-radius' );

			$archive_post_title_font_size = astra_get_option( 'font-size-page-title' );

			$css_output = array(
				'body #learndash_lessons a, body #learndash_quizzes a, body .expand_collapse a, body .learndash_topic_dots a, body .learndash_topic_dots a > span, body #learndash_lesson_topics_list span a, body #learndash_profile a, body #learndash_profile a span' => array(
					'font-family' => astra_get_font_family( $body_font_family ),
				'body #ld_course_list .btn, body a.btn-blue, body a.btn-blue:visited, body a#quiz_continue_link, body .btn-join, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="button"], body #btn-join, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="submit"], body .wpProQuiz_content .wpProQuiz_button2' => array(
					'color'            => $btn_color,
					'border-color'     => $btn_bg_color,
					'background-color' => $btn_bg_color,
					'border-radius'    => astra_get_css_value( $btn_border_radius, 'px' ),
				'body #ld_course_list .btn:hover, body #ld_course_list .btn:focus, body a.btn-blue:hover, body a.btn-blue:focus, body a#quiz_continue_link:hover, body a#quiz_continue_link:focus, body .btn-join:hover, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="button"]:hover, body .btn-join:focus, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="button"]:focus, .wpProQuiz_content .wpProQuiz_button2:hover, .wpProQuiz_content .wpProQuiz_button2:focus, body #btn-join:hover, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="submit"]:hover, body #btn-join:focus, body .learndash_checkout_buttons input.btn-join[type="submit"]:focus' => array(
					'color'            => $btn_h_color,
					'border-color'     => $btn_bg_h_color,
					'background-color' => $btn_bg_h_color,
				'body dd.course_progress div.course_progress_blue, body .wpProQuiz_content .wpProQuiz_time_limit .wpProQuiz_progress' => array(
					'background-color' => $theme_color,
				'body #learndash_lessons a, body #learndash_quizzes a, body .expand_collapse a, body .learndash_topic_dots a, body .learndash_topic_dots a > span, body #learndash_lesson_topics_list span a, body #learndash_profile a, #learndash_profile .profile_edit_profile a, body #learndash_profile .expand_collapse a, body #learndash_profile a span, #lessons_list .list-count, #quiz_list .list-count' => array(
					'color' => $link_color,
				'.learndash .notcompleted:before, #learndash_profile .notcompleted:before, .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-notcompleted span:before, .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-notcompleted span:before, .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-notcompleted span:before, .learndash .topic-notcompleted span:before' => array(
					'color' => astra_hex_to_rgba( $text_color, .5 ),
				'body .thumbnail.course .ld_course_grid_price, body .thumbnail.course .ld_course_grid_price.ribbon-enrolled, body #learndash_lessons #lesson_heading, body #learndash_profile .learndash_profile_heading, body #learndash_quizzes #quiz_heading, body #learndash_lesson_topics_list div > strong, body .learndash-pager span a, body #learndash_profile .learndash_profile_quiz_heading' => array(
					'background-color' => $theme_color,
					'color'            => $theme_forground_color,
				'.learndash .completed:before, #learndash_profile .completed:before, .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-completed span:before, .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-completed span:before, .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-completed span:before, .learndash .topic-completed span:before, body .list_arrow.lesson_completed:before' => array(
					'color' => $theme_color,
				'body .thumbnail.course .ld_course_grid_price:before' => array(
					'border-top-color'   => astra_hex_to_rgba( $theme_color, .75 ),
					'border-right-color' => astra_hex_to_rgba( $theme_color, .75 ),
				'body .wpProQuiz_loadQuiz, body .wpProQuiz_lock' => array(
					'border-color'     => astra_hex_to_rgba( $link_color, .5 ),
					'background-color' => astra_hex_to_rgba( $link_color, .1 ),
				'#ld_course_list .entry-title' => array(
					'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $archive_post_title_font_size, 'desktop' ),

			if ( ! astra_get_option( 'learndash-lesson-serial-number' ) ) {
				$css_output['body #course_list .list-count, body #lessons_list .list-count, body #quiz_list .list-count'] = array(
					'display' => 'none',
				$css_output['body #course_list > div h4 > a, body #lessons_list > div h4 > a, body #quiz_list > div h4 > a, body #learndash_course_content .learndash_topic_dots ul > li a'] = array(
					'padding-left' => '.75em',
					'margin-left'  => 'auto',
			if ( ! astra_get_option( 'learndash-differentiate-rows' ) ) {
				$css_output['body #course_list > div:nth-of-type(odd), body #lessons_list > div:nth-of-type(odd), body #quiz_list > div:nth-of-type(odd), body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots ul > li.nth-of-type-odd'] = array(
					'background' => 'none',

			/* Parse CSS from array() */
			$css_output = astra_parse_css( $css_output );

			$tablet_typography = array(
				'#ld_course_list .entry-title' => array(
					'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $archive_post_title_font_size, 'tablet', 30 ),
			/* Parse CSS from array()*/
			$css_output .= astra_parse_css( $tablet_typography, '', astra_get_tablet_breakpoint() );

			if ( $is_site_rtl ) {
				$mobile_min_width_css = array(
					'body #learndash_profile .profile_edit_profile' => array(
						'position' => 'absolute',
						'top'      => '15px',
						'left'     => '15px',
			} else {
				$mobile_min_width_css = array(
					'body #learndash_profile .profile_edit_profile' => array(
						'position' => 'absolute',
						'top'      => '15px',
						'right'    => '15px',

			/* Parse CSS from array() -> min-width: (mobile-breakpoint + 1) px */
			$css_output .= astra_parse_css( $mobile_min_width_css, astra_get_mobile_breakpoint( '', 1 ) );

			$mobile_typography = array(
				'#ld_course_list .entry-title'          => array(
					'font-size' => astra_responsive_font( $archive_post_title_font_size, 'mobile', 30 ),
				'#learndash_next_prev_link a'           => array(
					'width' => '100%',
				'#learndash_next_prev_link a.prev-link' => array(
					'margin-bottom' => '1em',
				'#ld_course_info_mycourses_list .ld-course-info-my-courses .ld-entry-title' => array(
					'margin' => '0 0 20px',

			/* Parse CSS from array() -> max-width: (mobile-breakpoint) px */
			$css_output .= astra_parse_css( $mobile_typography, '', astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() );

			if ( $is_site_rtl ) {
				$mobile_typography_lang_direction_css = array(
					'#ld_course_info_mycourses_list .ld-course-info-my-courses img' => array(
						'display'      => 'block',
						'margin-right' => 'initial',
						'max-width'    => '100%',
						'margin'       => '10px 0',
			} else {
				$mobile_typography_lang_direction_css = array(
					'#ld_course_info_mycourses_list .ld-course-info-my-courses img' => array(
						'display'     => 'block',
						'margin-left' => 'initial',
						'max-width'   => '100%',
						'margin'      => '10px 0',

			/* Parse CSS from array() -> max-width: (mobile-breakpoint) px */
			$css_output .= astra_parse_css( $mobile_typography_lang_direction_css, '', astra_get_mobile_breakpoint() );

			$dynamic_css .= apply_filters( 'astra_theme_learndash_dynamic_css', $css_output );

			return $dynamic_css;

		 * Register Customizer sections and panel for learndash.
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize Theme Customizer object.
		public function customize_register( $wp_customize ) {

			$active_ld_theme = '';

			if ( is_callable( 'LearnDash_Theme_Register::get_active_theme_key' ) ) {
				$active_ld_theme = LearnDash_Theme_Register::get_active_theme_key();

			// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound
			 * Register Sections & Panels
			require ASTRA_THEME_DIR . 'inc/compatibility/learndash/customizer/class-astra-customizer-register-learndash-section.php';

			 * Sections
			require ASTRA_THEME_DIR . 'inc/compatibility/learndash/customizer/sections/class-astra-learndash-container-configs.php';
			require ASTRA_THEME_DIR . 'inc/compatibility/learndash/customizer/sections/class-astra-learndash-sidebar-configs.php';

			if ( 'ld30' !== $active_ld_theme ) {
				require ASTRA_THEME_DIR . 'inc/compatibility/learndash/customizer/sections/layout/class-astra-learndash-general-configs.php';
			// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude.FileIncludeFound

		 * Theme Defaults.
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param array $defaults Array of options value.
		 * @return array
		public function theme_defaults( $defaults ) {

			// General.
			$defaults['learndash-lesson-serial-number'] = false;
			$defaults['learndash-differentiate-rows']   = true;

			// Container.
			$defaults['learndash-content-layout'] = 'plain-container';

			// Sidebar.
			$defaults['learndash-sidebar-layout'] = 'default';

			return $defaults;

		 * Add assets in theme
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param array $assets list of theme assets (JS & CSS).
		 * @return array List of updated assets.
		public function add_styles( $assets ) {
			$assets['css']['astra-learndash'] = 'compatibility/learndash';
			return $assets;

		 * LeanDash Sidebar
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param string $layout Layout type.
		 * @return string $layout Layout type.
		public function sidebar_layout( $layout ) {

			if ( is_singular( 'sfwd-courses' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-lessons' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-topic' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-quiz' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-certificates' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-assignment' ) ) {

				$learndash_sidebar = astra_get_option( 'learndash-sidebar-layout' );
				if ( 'default' !== $learndash_sidebar ) {
					$layout = $learndash_sidebar;

				$sidebar = astra_get_option_meta( 'site-sidebar-layout', '', true );

				if ( 'default' !== $sidebar && ! empty( $sidebar ) ) {
					$layout = $sidebar;

			// When Learhdash shortoce is used on the Page.
			// Applied only to the pages which uses the learndash shortcode.
			global $learndash_shortcode_used;

			if ( $learndash_shortcode_used && ! ( is_singular( 'sfwd-courses' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-lessons' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-topic' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-quiz' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-certificates' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-assignment' ) ) ) {
				// Page Meta Sidebar.
				$layout = astra_get_option_meta( 'site-sidebar-layout', '', true );
				if ( empty( $layout ) ) {
					// Page Sidebar.
					$layout = astra_get_option( 'single-page-sidebar-layout' );
					// Default Site Sidebar.
					if ( 'default' == $layout || empty( $layout ) ) {
						// Get the global sidebar value.
						// NOTE: Here not used `true` in the below function call.
						$layout = astra_get_option( 'site-sidebar-layout' );
			return $layout;

		 * LeanDash Container
		 * @since 1.3.0
		 * @param string $layout Layout type.
		 * @return string $layout Layout type.
		public function content_layout( $layout ) {

			if ( is_singular( 'sfwd-courses' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-lessons' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-topic' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-quiz' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-certificates' ) || is_singular( 'sfwd-assignment' ) ) {

				$learndash_layout = astra_get_option( 'learndash-content-layout' );

				if ( 'default' !== $learndash_layout ) {
					$layout = $learndash_layout;

				$learndash_layout = astra_get_option_meta( 'site-content-layout', '', true );

				if ( 'default' !== $learndash_layout && ! empty( $learndash_layout ) ) {
					$layout = $learndash_layout;

			return $layout;

		 * LearnDash Static CSS.
		 * @since 3.3.0
		 * @return string
		public static function ld_static_css() {
			$ld_static_css = '
				.learndash .completed:before,
				.learndash .notcompleted:before,
				#learndash_profile .completed:before,
				#learndash_profile .notcompleted:before {
					content: "\e903";
					display: inline-block;
					font-family: "Astra";
					text-rendering: auto;
					-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
					-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
					float: left;
					text-indent: 0;
					font-size: 1.5em;
					line-height: 1;

				.learndash .completed:before,
				#learndash_profile .completed:before {
					content: "\e901";
					font-weight: bold;

				.learndash .completed:before,
				.learndash .notcompleted:before {
					position: absolute;
					top: 8px;
					right: .75em;
					width: 1.75em;
					text-align: center;
					line-height: 1.2;

				.learndash .topic-completed span,
				.learndash .topic-notcompleted span {
					background: none;
					padding: 0;

				.learndash .topic-completed span:before,
				.learndash .topic-notcompleted span:before {
					content: "\e903";
					display: inline-block;
					font-family: "Astra";
					text-rendering: auto;
					-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
					-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
					font-size: 1.25em;

				.learndash .topic-completed span:before {
					content: "\e901";
					font-weight: bold;

				body .learndash .completed,
				body .learndash .notcompleted,
				body #learndash_profile .completed,
				body #learndash_profile .notcompleted {
					line-height: 1.7;
					background: none;

				body .learndash_profile_heading,
				body #learndash_profile a,
				body #learndash_profile div
					ont-size: 1em;
					font-weight: inherit;
				body #lessons_list > div h4,
				body #course_list > div h4,
				body #quiz_list > div h4,
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list ul > li > span.topic_item {
					font-size: 1em;

				body #learndash_lessons #lesson_heading,
				body #learndash_profile .learndash_profile_heading,
				body #learndash_quizzes #quiz_heading,
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list div > strong {
					padding: 10px .75em;
					font-weight: 600;
					text-transform: uppercase;
					border-radius: 0;

				body #learndash_lessons .right,
				body #learndash_quizzes .right {
					width: auto;

				body .expand_collapse .expand_collapse,
				body #learndash_profile .expand_collapse {
					top: -1em;

				body .expand_collapse .expand_collapse a,
				body #learndash_profile .expand_collapse a {
					font-size: .8em;

				body .expand_collapse .list_arrow.collapse, body .expand_collapse .list_arrow.expand,
				body #learndash_profile .list_arrow.collapse,
				body #learndash_profile .list_arrow.expand {
					vertical-align: top;

				body .expand_collapse .list_arrow.collapse:before, body .expand_collapse .list_arrow.expand:before,
				body #learndash_profile .list_arrow.collapse:before,
				body #learndash_profile .list_arrow.expand:before {
					content: "\e900";
					transform: rotate(270deg);
					font-weight: bold;

				body .expand_collapse .list_arrow.expand:before,
				body #learndash_profile .list_arrow.expand:before {
					transform: rotate(0deg);
				body #learndash_lessons #lesson_heading,
				body #learndash_profile .learndash_profile_heading,
				body #learndash_quizzes #quiz_heading,
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list div > strong {
					padding: 10px .75em;
					font-weight: 600;
					text-transform: uppercase;
					border-radius: 0;
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list ul > li > span.topic_item:hover {
					background: none;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots {
					order: none;
					box-shadow: none;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots ul {
					border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;
					border-top: none;
					overflow: hidden;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots ul > li:last-child a {
					border-bottom: none;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots ul > li.nth-of-type-odd {
					background: #fbfbfb;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots .topic-completed,
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots .topic-notcompleted {
					padding: 8px .75em;
					border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots .topic-completed span,
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list .learndash_topic_dots .topic-notcompleted span {
					margin: 0 auto;
					display: inline;
				body #learndash_lesson_topics_list ul > li > span.topic_item {
					font-size: 1em;
				.learndash .completed:before,
				.learndash .notcompleted:before {
					position: absolute;
					top: 8px;
					right: .75em;
					width: 1.75em;
					text-align: center;
					line-height: 1.2;
				.learndash .topic-completed span,
				.learndash .topic-notcompleted span {
					background: none;
					padding: 0;
				.learndash .topic-completed span:before,
				.learndash .topic-notcompleted span:before {
					content: "\e903";
					display: inline-block;
					font-family: "Astra";
					text-rendering: auto;
					-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
					-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
					font-size: 1.25em;
				.learndash .topic-completed span:before {
					content: "\e901";
					font-weight: bold;
				.widget_ldcoursenavigation .learndash_topic_widget_list .topic-completed span:before,
				.widget_ldcoursenavigation .learndash_topic_widget_list .topic-notcompleted span:before {
					margin-left: 1px;
					margin-right: 9px;
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-notcompleted span {
				  margin: 5px 0;
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-completed span,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-completed span,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-completed span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-notcompleted span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-completed span,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-notcompleted span {
				  padding-left: 0;
				  background: none;
				  margin: 5px 0;
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-notcompleted span:before,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-notcompleted span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-notcompleted span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-notcompleted span:before {
				  content: "\e903";
				  display: inline-block;
				  font-family: "Astra";
				  text-rendering: auto;
				  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
				  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
				  font-size: 1em;
				  font-weight: normal;
				  margin-right: 10px;
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_navigation_lesson_topics_list ul .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots .topic-completed span:before,
				body .learndash_topic_dots ul .topic-completed span:before {
				  content: "\e901";
				  font-weight: bold;
				.widget_ldcoursenavigation .learndash_topic_widget_list .topic-completed span:before,
				.widget_ldcoursenavigation .learndash_topic_widget_list .topic-notcompleted span:before {
				  margin-left: 1px;
				  margin-right: 9px;
				body .learndash .topic-completed span,
				body .learndash .topic-notcompleted span {
				  background: none;
				  padding: 0;
				#learndash_next_prev_link {
					margin: 0;
					padding: 2em 0 0;
					border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
					overflow: hidden;
					line-height: 0;
				  #learndash_next_prev_link a {
					margin: 2px;
					display: inline-block;
					padding: 0 1.5em;
					height: 2.33333em;
					line-height: 2.33333em;
					text-align: center;
					font-size: 16px;
					font-size: 1.06666rem;
			return Astra_Enqueue_Scripts::trim_css( $ld_static_css );


Version Description
1.3.0 Introduced.


User Contributed Notes

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