
Display the notices in the WordPress admin.





File: inc/lib/astra-notices/class-astra-notices.php

		public function show_notices() {
			$defaults = array(
				'id'                         => '',      // Optional, Notice ID. If empty it set `astra-notices-id-<$array-index>`.
				'type'                       => 'info',  // Optional, Notice type. Default `info`. Expected [info, warning, notice, error].
				'message'                    => '',      // Optional, Message.
				'show_if'                    => true,    // Optional, Show notice on custom condition. E.g. 'show_if' => if( is_admin() ) ? true, false, .
				'repeat-notice-after'        => '',      // Optional, Dismiss-able notice time. It'll auto show after given time.
				'display-notice-after'       => false,      // Optional, Dismiss-able notice time. It'll auto show after given time.
				'class'                      => '',      // Optional, Additional notice wrapper class.
				'priority'                   => 10,      // Priority of the notice.
				'display-with-other-notices' => true,    // Should the notice be displayed if other notices  are being displayed from Astra_Notices.
				'is_dismissible'             => true,
				'capability'                 => 'manage_options', // User capability - This capability is required for the current user to see this notice.

			// Count for the notices that are rendered.
			$notices_displayed = 0;
			$notices           = $this->get_notices();

			foreach ( $notices as $key => $notice ) {
				$notice = wp_parse_args( $notice, $defaults );

				// Show notices only for users with `manage_options` cap.
				if ( ! current_user_can( $notice['capability'] ) ) {

				$notice['id']      = self::get_notice_id( $notice, $key );
				$notice['classes'] = self::get_wrap_classes( $notice );

				// Notices visible after transient expire.
				if ( isset( $notice['show_if'] ) && true === $notice['show_if'] ) {

					// don't display the notice if it is not supposed to be displayed with other notices.
					if ( 0 !== $notices_displayed && false === $notice['display-with-other-notices'] ) {

					if ( self::is_expired( $notice ) ) {

						self::markup( $notice );



Version Description
1.0.0 Introduced.

User Contributed Notes

You must log in before being able to contribute a note or feedback.