astra_get_the_title( int $post_id, bool $echo = false )

Wrapper function for get_the_title()


Return title for Title Bar and Normal Title.



(int) (Optional) default to 0. Post id.


(bool) (Optional) default to false. Whether to display or return.

Default value: false


(string|void) String if $echo parameter is false.


File: inc/core/common-functions.php

	function astra_get_the_title( $post_id = 0, $echo = false ) {

		$title = '';
		if ( $post_id || is_singular() ) {
			$title = get_the_title( $post_id );
		} else {
			if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) {
				// Default homepage.
				$title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_default_home_page_title', esc_html__( 'Home', 'astra' ) );
			} elseif ( is_home() ) {
				// blog page.
				$title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_blog_home_page_title', get_the_title( get_option( 'page_for_posts', true ) ) );
			} elseif ( is_404() ) {
				// for 404 page - title always display.
				$title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_404_page_title', esc_html__( 'This page doesn\'t seem to exist.', 'astra' ) );

				// for search page - title always display.
			} elseif ( is_search() ) {

				/* translators: 1: search string */
				$title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_search_page_title', sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'astra' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ) );

			} elseif ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && is_shop() ) {

				$title = woocommerce_page_title( false );

			} elseif ( is_archive() ) {

				$title = get_the_archive_title();


		$title = apply_filters( 'astra_the_title', $title, $post_id );

		// This will work same as `get_the_title` function but with Custom Title if exits.
		if ( $echo ) {
			echo $title; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
		} else {
			return $title;

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