Function: Check is WordPress version is greater than or equal to beta 5.8 version.
Function: Check is WordPress version is greater than or equal to beta 5.8 version.
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Dynamic CSS
Function: Head Bottom
Function: HTML
hooksFunction: Site Header
Function: Register account header builder Customizer Configurations.
Function: Header After
Function: Semantic
Function: Function to get Header Breakpoint
Function: Function to Add Header Breakpoint Style
Function: Header Footer builder – Migration compatibility.
Function: Header Footer builder – Migration of options.
Function: Register button header builder Customizer Configurations.
Function: Migrate option data from button url to the new link param.