Function: Check if we’re being delivered AMP
Function: Check if we’re being delivered AMP
Function: Checks whether content style is boxed for current layout.
Function: Check current page is an EDD archive page
Function: Check current page is an EDD page
Function: Check current page is an EDD single page
Function: Check current page is an EDD single product page
Function: Check if elementor plugin is active on the site.
Function: Check if we’re being delivered AMP.
Function: Checking whether shop page style is selected as modern layout.
Function: Check if the sidebar style is boxed.
Function: Check if white label option is enabled in astra pro plugin
Function: Set brder color to blank for old users for new users ‘default’ will take over.
Function: Live Search – Dynamic CSS.
Function: Astra block editor 2.0 Spectra compatibility – Dynamic CSS.
Function: Get the file preloads.
Function: Check if user is old for hiding/showing password icon field for login my-account form.
Function: Return or echo site logo markup.
Function: Provides the logo svg icon according to the user’s selection.
Function: Main styles for the logo svg icons.
Function: Main Header bar bottom
Function: Main Header bar top
Function: Generate HTML close markup
Function: Generate HTML Open markup
Function: Masthead