Method: Add logo image sizes in filter.
Method: Add logo image sizes in filter.
Method: Generate logo image by its width.
Method: Adds data to the $fonts array for a font to be rendered.
Method: Renders the tag for all fonts in the $fonts array.
Function: Register menus
Method: Constructor
Function: Default Strings
Method: Set default theme option values
Method: Trim CSS
Method: Add assets in theme
Class: Astra Contact Form 7 Compatibility
Method: Add assets in theme
Class: Astra Beaver Builder Compatibility
Class: Astra Ubermenu Compatibility
Class: Astra Gravity Forms
Method: Function to update Atra header/footer with Beaver template
Method: Function to Astra theme parts
Class: Astra BB Ultimate Addon Compatibility
Class: Astra Site Origin Compatibility
Method: Add assets in theme
Class: Astra Elementor Compatibility
Class: Astra Beaver Themer Compatibility
Method: Function to add Theme Support
Method: Register Customizer sections and panel for woocommerce
Method: Add Cart icon markup