Method: Register headings Typography Customizer Configurations.
Method: Register headings Typography Customizer Configurations.
Function: Link default color compatibility.
Function: Generate palette CSS variable styles on the front end.
Method: Generate palette CSS required to display on front end.
Method: Pass hex value for global palette to process forground color.
Method: Get slugs for palette colors.
Method: Include required files.
Method: Localize variables used in the customizer.
Method: Default global palette options.
Method: Get labels for palette colors.
Method: Format color palette data required to pass for Gutenberg palette.
Method: Get CSS variable prefix used for styling.
Method: Constructor
Method: Modify color palette from Gutenberg.
Function: Get Global Color Palettes
Function: Get typography presets data.
Function: This will check if user is new and apply global color format. This is to manage backward compatibility for colors.
Function: Check compatibility for content background and typography options.
Function: Check if elementor plugin is active on the site.
Method: Generate CSS variable style for Elementor.
Method: Load style inside Elementor editor.
Method: Display theme global colors to Elementor Global colors
Method: Display global paltte colors on Elementor front end Page.