Function: Change default layout to standard for old users.
Function: Change default layout to standard for old users.
Function: Apply css for show password icon on woocommerce account page.
Function: Check the Astra addon version.
Method: Shop summary box wrapper alignment.
Method: Update the “Customize” link to the Toolbar.
Method: Single Product Payments.
Method: Register Astra-WooCommerce Misc Customizer Configurations.
Method: Astra Sale flash markup.
Method: Sale bubble flash
Function: Support cart color setting to default cart icon, till now with other cart icons have this color compatibility but default one don’t have this.
Function: Function to check the Add to Cart quantity buttons.
Method: As WooCommerce-Astra pro options moved to theme, decide here to load from theme’s end after 3.9.2 version.
Method: Modern Design Add to cart Markup
Method: Modern shop page’s triggers on product image.
Function: Check if user is old for hiding/showing password icon field for login my-account form.
Method: Check if Spectra is installed.