Method: Constructor
Method: Constructor
Method: Getting dynamic context for sidebar.
Method: Run scheduled job for Astra knowledge base data.
Method: Getting content layout dynamically.
Method: Register API routes.
Method: Register Archive Post’s Structures Customizer Configurations.
Method: Get common settings.
Method: Register Posts Structures Customizer Configurations.
Method: Check whether a given request has permission to read notes.
Method: Customizer preview support.
Class: Register Posts Structures Customizer Configurations.
Method: Returns an value, based on the settings database option for the admin settings page.
Method: Get customizer dynamic default.
Method: Excluding some post types with avoiding narrow-width container layout.
Method: Update an value of a key, from the settings database option for the admin settings page.
Class: Breadcrumbs Markup Initial Setup
Method: Register Posts Structures Customizer Configurations.
Class: Class Astra_Admin_Ajax.
Method: Register Astra Global Misc Configurations.
Method: Get astra-options DB values.
Class: Customizer Initialization
Method: Constructor
Method: Enqueue google fonts.
Method: Add postMessage support for site title and description for the Theme Customizer.
Method: Get all supported pots types & filter the public ones for further query.