Function: Applies an unboxed container to the content.
Function: Applies an unboxed container to the content.
Method: Getting new content layout options dynamically.
Method: Getting new content layout options dynamically.
Function: Migrating users to new container layout options
Function: Handle migration from old to new layouts.
Method: Check if fullwidth layout with sidebar is supported.
Function: Return current content layout as per new layout selection.
Function: Migrate old meta layout to new layout.
Function: Checks whether content style is boxed for current layout.
Function: Check if the current page is a third party page.
Function: Check if the sidebar style is boxed.
Function: Switch to legacy boxed layouts (Content Boxed, Boxed) as per content style selection.
Function: WooCommerce, LifterLMS, EDD Archive (Shop, Courses, Memberships etc) Meta value.
Function: Function which will return the Sidebar Layout to determine default body classes for Editor.