Function: Adding Wrapper for Search Form.
Function: Adding Wrapper for Search Form.
Function: Get custom HTML added by user.
Function: Function to get Small Left/Right Footer
Class: Astra_Theme_Update initial setup
Method: Implement theme update logic.
Function: Primary Header
Function: Single post markup
Function: Blog post list markup for blog & search page
Function: 404 markup
Function: Custom Menu Item Markup
Function: Header Custom Menu Item
Function: Header Custom Menu Item
Function: Header toggle buttons
Function: Small Footer
Method: Renders the content for a control based on the type of control specified when this class is initialized.
Method: Renders the title and description for a control.
Method: Renders the connect attribute for a connected control.
Method: Renders a font control.
Method: Renders a font weight control.
Method: Add postMessage support for site title and description for the Theme Customizer.
Method: Customizer Controls
Method: Customizer Preview Init
Method: Called by the customize_save_after action to refresh the cached CSS when Customizer settings are saved.
Method: Add logo image sizes in filter.
Method: Generate logo image by its width.